How do you start your day? Brushing teeth, having coffee, reading the newspaper, these are all routines that millions of people around the world wake up in the morning to do, and today, there is another very important addition to that routine list
"Check facebook." Whether we like it or not, whether for better or for worse, whether we choose to ignore it or not, we'll have to admit, Facebook has become an integral part of many of our lives.
TM Syed Waqas started the meeting by welcoming everyone and informing the guests all about Toastmasters. The theme for the meeting was facebook.
TM Rayees was the toastmaster of the day. As always, he was full of energy, enthusiasm, positivness and humor. Everyone loved his role and he made the evening so wonderful with his presence. He was the winner of BIG 3 as well.
TM Syed Waqas delivered his 4th Project from Advanced Manual "Speaking to Inform - A Fact Finding Report". Congratulations TM Waqas. His report was on facebook. As per the evaluation and the feedback from the toastmasters, he did a good job. He was very well prepared. TM Mohammad Nour delivered his Ice Breaker. Congratulations TM Nour for a great start. We all wish you very best.
The Table Topics session conducted by one of our most senior, most handsome and most dedicated TM Miraj was very informative and nice. TM Miraj explained the audience about the importance and the role of table topic session in toastmastering. The questions he asked the toastmasters were very simple and easy.
The table topic session was evaluated by TM Syed Waqas. TM Syed Waqas performed the role of evaluation chairman as well. TM Ahmad Zaitoun [ex-president of Arabian Stallions] evaluated the prepared speaker TM Syed Waqas and was the best evaluator. His evaluation was remarkable with motivation, positivity and healthy criticism as well. He also evaluted the other prepared speaker "TM Mohammad Nour".
facebook may deserve some time of our day, but not more than what our family and friends deserve.. Because no matter how large your friends list in Facebook is
the most valuable friends are those who care and want to share their time with you!
Winners for the Meeting held on 18th January, 2011
Best Speaker - TM Syed Waqas
Table Topics - TM Ahmad Zaitoun
Best Evaluator - TM Ahmad Zaitoun
Best Assistant - TM Jabair Ali
Big Three - TM Rayees Syed