Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Last Week's Winners [Meeting held on 22nd June, 2010]

Prepared Speaker     - TM Khaled [Delivered his Ice Breaker Speech]
Table Topics             - TM Hussam
Evaluation                - TM Rayees
Big Three                 - TM Miraj 


Saturday, 26 June 2010

Think About That!

"Your spouse is a gift of Allah to you and to be ungrateful to a gift is to be ungrateful to Allah Azza wa Jal. Your parents are a gift of Allah to you, so if you don't have a good relationship with them - who are you actually being ungrateful to! Think about that. SubhanAllah!"

Arabian Stallions Club - Meeting held on 22/06/2010 at 5:00 PM

Some people make the world special just by being in it.

Monday, 14 June 2010

We Need to Raise the Bar!

It is common for us to remain in our comfort zone and be happy where we are.  But to grow in life it is important to keep giving ourselves new challenges... keep on raising the bar... learn new things... improve our existing skills... this is an approach to life which ensures not only growth in age but growth in mind and spirit.  So, mind it well... keep on raising the bar... always... never stop.  Good Luck.

Rashid Hafeez Malik
VP - Education

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Club Officers Election

Dear All,
I hereby would like to inform/announce our current elected the most energetic officers list, which is as follows:
President  Rayees Syed
V.P. Education  Rashid Hafeez Malik
V.P Membership Hussam Alsawadi
V.P. Public Relation Syed Waqas
Treasurer Miraj Din Ali
Sergeant @ Arms Naveed Hussain
As a toastmaster of our club I would like to congratulate this new team.
And as a President, first and far most I would like to thank everybody who has believe in me and has supported with their valuable votes. 
Friends, I would like to assure that I'll try my level best to serve the club very professionally as per the protocol and with my utmost energy and enthusiasm.  I also urge everybody's support to make our club talk of the Division A rather talk of District 79.  For this we have to practice our meeting on regular basis so that best of public speaking crops can be produced. 
Last but not the least if we evaluate each other, I'm sure you will find each one of us has good talent and potential to become the champions in the field of public speaking.  The only problem is!! We are not serious "nothing can be achieved without our own interest & enthusiasm".  Hence, my dear fellow members, let us put our hands together, please come forward and grab/snatch the opportunity.  "HELP YOURSELF".
According to one of the analysis, "in the world there are just 10% top leaders and Intellectuals who are actually controlling remaining 90% of people" and among this 90%  "approximately, 20% leaders and most educated personnel are dominating rest of the population", this rest of the population is assumed to be the common people and in the sight of leaders sometimes they are even called fools of the world.
Friends, through communication leadership practice you can be among the top leaders otherwise just enjoy being a common person controlled by others.  Choice is yours.  Think about it.
Most important is discipline, because "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." by Jim Rohn


Thanks and Best Regards,

TM Rayees - Club President

Arabian Stallions Club (A Corporate Club of Zamil Group Holding Co.)

 +966(1) 472-5555 Ext.266 
  +966(1) 472-5544
+966 (50) 5 496 355


Welcome to our Blog.

Arabian Stallions Toastmasters Club aims to help men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking - vital skills in today's world. We are part of the Toastmasters International organization, which, with over 10,000 clubs worldwide, is the leading movement in improving communication and leadership skills.

Come along to one of our meetings to see what Toastmasters is like. Our club is renowned for its warm, friendly atmosphere. You can find our location here. You can just turn up at one of our meetings - no booking, no forms - and you'll be made very welcome. We meet at 5:00pm for every Tuesday for 1 and half hour.