He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. ~Raymond Hull
Meeting Theme: Being Yourself!
Word of the Day: Obliteration
TM Majid Hafeez Malik started the meeting and welcomed the guest. TM Rayees Syed was the toastmaster of the day!
There were four prepared speaker. TM Jasir Badsha delivered his Ice Breaker. His speech title was "My Awakening". Great Job TM Jasir. I'd like to dedicate a quote to TM Jasir, "He came, he saw, he conquered". TM Nouman Herl delivered his 8th Speech from CC Manual. His speech title was "News!". A great speaker and a real asset for Arabian Stallions. TM Majid Hafeez delivered his 4th Speech from CC Manual. Great Job TM Majid. TM Dr. Bedear delivered his Ice Breaker. TM Bedear, you are a great communicator with a very kind personality. It was indeed a great prepared speeches session.
TM Jabair Ali conducted the Table Topics Session. Wonderful Job TM Jabair. Keep up the great work.
Our past president TM Ahmad Zaitoun was the evaluation chairman. TM Assaf Moheyuddin evaluted TM Jasir Badsha. TM Ahmad Zaitoun evaluted TM Majid Hafeez. TM Atif evaluted TM Nouman. TM Bedear was evaluated by TM Miraj and table topics session was evaluated by TM Syed Waqas.
Winners for the Meeting held on 17th May, 2011.
Best Speaker - TM Jasir Badsha
Table Topics - TM Jasir Badsha
Best Evaluator - TM Ahmad Zaitoun
Best Assistant - TM Jabair Ali
Big Three - TM Rayees Syed
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings